Grand Knight January 2022

Dear Brother Knights and Families: 2022!!!! The beginning of a new year always holds such hope and promise!! I am sure that like myself, all of you are just wanting the next 12 months to be filled with health and happiness!! Covid 19 has changed our definition of ‘normal’ and many people still have day […]

Grand Knight November 2021

Dear Brother Knights and Families A SUPER BIG thank you to all who helped make our 2021 Tootsie Roll Drive a success! Multiple Knights (and even some of their kiddo’s) volunteered to help collect over $1600 to help our Council 833 reach our goal. THANK YOU!!! Our founder, Father McGivney, had the foresight to realize […]

Grand Knight September 2021

Dear Brother Knights and Families I pray this letter finds the school year off to a smooth start for all our families that have school age children. I encourage all Knights to make an effort to get out and support our Catholic school activities. As Knights of Columbus, we need to lead by example and […]

Grand Knight August 2021

Dear Brother Knights and Families: July was loaded with projects. There were many opportunities for participation in council activities and our dedicated members and families did not disappoint! As I mentioned in the last newsletter, our firework tent sales were record breaking for our council and we received a check for over $12,000!! Thanks to […]

Grand Knight July 2021

Dear Knights and Families, A huge congratulations to our record breaking 2021 fireworks tent crews!! We did this with the smallest amount of volunteers we’ve ever had! Thank you to all the Knights who found time to help in our success and a BIG thanks to all the family members that assisted us. It was […]

Grand Knight June 2021

Dear Brother Knights and Families, I would like to thank all the Knights and their families for helping make our 2021 Fish Fry a success! Our Knights and families made it happen even with all the challenges we faced this year. Congratulations on a job well done!! As a THANK YOU to all, Lisa and […]

Grand Knight May 2021

Dear Brother Knights and Families, I would like to thank all the Knights and those family members that worked many hours to make our 2021 Lenten Fish Fry’s a wonderful success. In the next few weeks, we will announce the date and time of a celebration to honor everyone’s efforts! Be watching for the email […]

Grand Knight March 2021

“ALL HANDS ON DECK” Volunteers Needed Dear Brother Knights and Families, I hope this letter finds everyone in good health. I want to thank our Awesome Fish Fry Crews for their continued service to make our K of C #833 Fish Fry’s a success. We still need many more Volunteers to assist this week and […]