Grand Knight July 2024

Brother Knights, Right now it’s 95 degrees outside and it feels like the humidity couldn’t get any higher! Summer in Nebraska. I’ll take it. I love having four seasons (at least that is what I tell folks). It’s been a busy month not just for me but the Knights too. We just finished our second […]

Grand Knight June 2024

Brother Knights, This will be my final newsletter article as your Grand Knight. Thank you for allowing me to lead this great organization these past 2 years. I hope I have served you well and honorably. We have accomplished many great things these last two years and this is because of the dedication and commitment […]

Grand Knight May 2024

Brother Knights, Here we are diving into the month of May!  Spring brings us so many wonderful things.  Our parish has had the first communion celebrations, confirmation is in the next few weeks, we have beautiful flowers and trees blooming (along with allergies)….it is just a time of new beginnings! I recently attended the Knights […]

Chaplain May 2024

Dear Brother Knights, I hope that you have all had a blessed Easter season. This is a time of such joy, even in the world that is a vale of tears with all of its concerns and tribulations. We long for the resurrection of the dead, where we will enjoy the presence and love of […]

Chaplain April 2024

Dear Brother Knights, He is risen! Alleluia! Easter is the greatest celebration in the Church because it is the greatest event in the history of the world. The fact that Jesus resurrected from the dead changes everything. Our greatest fear, our death, has been put to death by Jesus. Through Jesus’ resurrection, God has power […]

Grand Knight April 2024

Happy Spring Brother Knights!   Here we are already into April.  Hard to believe how quickly the Lenten season went, along with our fish frys.  What a VERY SUCCESSFUL fish fry season it was for our council.  I am not sure if you were able to read our FS Tony Schafers recaps every week, but we […]