Grand Knight September 2024

Brother Knights,

Vivat Jesus my Brother Knights!  I am not a fan of Latin by any means.  It’s considered a dead language.  What does that mean?  When a language is no longer spoken by a group of people as their native tongue.  Nevertheless, our Catholic Church is full of Latin.  In this case, Vivat Jesus means May Jesus Live or Jesus Lives.  This is the motto of the Knights of Columbus.  Many saints also used this phrase as personal words to live by.  While I was in the Marine Corp we learned to use the motto of Semper Fidelis, meaning Always Faithful.  Though not specifically taught or official, many Marines would simply reply “Semper” to acknowledge another’s use of the motto to them. 
We are all brothers in Christ.  Sharing a common belief, faith, set of morals and values and when we come together to work, learn, serve, eat, or pray, we are working together to help each of us build a stronger community, parish, and family.  We tell members to ‘be as active as you want to be’.  I will tell you that if you want to build a relationship with Christ on a deeper level, get more active in the Council.  There are numerous activities throughout the year in which we need your support.  Through that support, you may find the one thing that allows you to grow in understanding that Jesus Lives.  Take it home with you.  Share it with your spouse.  Pass it down to your children.  Spread it to your immediate family.  Share it with coworkers and friends.
This month we have a recruiting event scheduled for Sept. 14 & 15.  Please wear your Knights shirt to Mass that weekend.  If you don’t have a shirt, ask an officer and we can get you one.  We have plenty on hand.  Speak to other men of the parish you know and ask them to consider becoming a Knight.  Let them know all the things we do to promote the saying, Jesus Lives.  Many times all it takes is for someone to “ask” them to join.  Point them to our recruiter, Nick Armentrout if you need help.  Signing up is easier than ever and can be done on a phone in just a few minutes.  We grow our membership primarily because we want to give other Catholic men the same opportunity for faith growth and fraternal friendships that we all enjoy ourselves.
We will have the annual Coats for Kids program in Oct.  The Council will be purchasing 8 cases of coats to the school to be distributed to needy kids and families.
God Bless all of you.  Thank you for all you do as a Brother Knight.  Vivat Jesus!

Matt Schafers
Grand Knight 833

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