Grand Knight September 2021

Dear Brother Knights and Families

I pray this letter finds the school year off to a smooth start for all our families that have school age children. I encourage all Knights to make an effort to get out and support our Catholic school activities. As Knights of Columbus, we need to lead by example and show support for the many activities our Catholic schools participate in. Wear your Knight apparel to football games, volleyball matches, speech contests and music events!! Show your support and pride in being a Knight!! If you are in need of Knight gear, come to a meeting or reach out to me and I’ll make it happen. I also ask that each of you continue to pray for our educators and students.
May all of them have a safe, healthy and successful school year.

Help is needed!! We currently have an amazing group of Knights and their families who show up time and time again and our successes can be directly attributed to their commitments.
God bless each of them!! I am going to challenge ALL our Knights to step up and help our council with just one activity a year. Most of these activities involve minimal requirements of time and effort and the rewards are unlimited! Our patron, the Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney led by example and so should we.

Our upcoming activities include the popular Tootsie Roll Drive in October, Christmas activities in December and our annual Free Throw basketball contest in January. Please watch for upcoming information related to these Knights of Columbus sponsored activities and help make them a success. Our council needs you!! All our activities are family friendly and we encourage each Knight to include their children and spouses when able.

In closing, I encourage all Knights to join me at our monthly meetings for an evening of prayer and fellowship. Every meeting is followed by pizza, beverages and camaraderie. Come see what we are all about!!

God Bless and Vivat Jesus!

James McCarville
Grand Knight