Grand Knight December 2023

Brother Knights,

WOW!  It is hard to believe that December of 2023 has arrived!  For some it has been a blessed year, and for others there have been struggles.  Knowing that we are nearing Advent and the birth of our Savior we need to remember that this is the season of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. For those that have struggled I hope you find hope and peace.  For those that have been blessed I hope you share your blessings with others by offering joy, love and hope!

Our council has been blessed in so many ways this year, and for many years in the past.  We have members of our council that work so diligently to ensure our council is successful.  I am so proud of being the Grand Knight of Council 833.  It swells my heart knowing that we do the right thing at the right time every time!

I am thankful for the officers of our council that don’t ever get the recognition they deserve.  These men volunteer time throughout each month doing things that are totally behind the scenes.  If you see one of these gentlemen or know one, be sure to thank them for their service.  Here are our officers:

Matt Schafers- Deputy Grand Knight Cliff Henggeler- Inside Guard
Tony Schafers- Financial Secretary Reese Meyer- Outside Guard
Philip Paitz- Treasurer James McCarville- Trustee
Barry Butler- Recorder Marv Burbach- Trustee
John Lenich- Advocate Dennis Hruby- Trustee
Ron Wortman- Warden   

Along with the great leadership of our council, we also have Knights that go above and beyond the call of duty.  All of the programs our council does is only possible by the great men that volunteer to help out.  A few of these tasks that our knights take on are…Snow removal for the elderly/homebound of our parish, Presenting Roses at Baptisms for mothers and the child, Tootsie Roll Sunday to benefit individuals with intellectual disabilities, Candy Cane Sunday to purchase items for those of our parish that our less fortunate, Coats for Kids that provided 100+ winter coats for the children of St. Teresa School.  The list goes on and on and it only happens because of the great men of our council!  Thank you so much to these men and their families.
One of the greatest strengths of our council is the guidance we get from our clergy.  Father Kipper, our council chaplain, as well as Father Schwenka and Father Beardslee, support and encourage our council in all of our endeavors.  Father Kipper attends our monthly meetings and all of the priests show up at all of the different events we have.  We are so truly blessed with the priests we have in our parish and their continued prayers they bestow upon all of us.

A few items to put on your calendar for this month…
December 2- Set up the nativity scene at church 11 AM
December 9th we will have our annual Christmas dinner at the hall.
December 16-17 is Candy Cane Sunday.  We will pass out candy canes after each mass that weekend.
December 20- General Meeting at the hall beginning at 7:30.  Come enjoy some pizza, a beverage and some holiday cheer.

And finally, I pray that each of you and your families find the hope, peace, joy and love that this beautiful season of Advent offers.  

May God continue to bless us all.

Ron Schinkel
Grand Knight