Grand Knight December 2020

Dear Brother Knights and Families,

I want to wish every Knight and his family a safe and Happy Holidays.

The 2020 year has been a challenger for everyone. I pray that everyone remembers the real reason for the season. The Celebration of Jesus’ birthday. Without Christ there would be no Christmas. In Luke 2:11 the verse says, “For unto you is born this day in the City of David, A Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

As Christmas is rapidly approaching, I hope that you and your families will take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Reach out to help a neighbor or a friend during these difficult COVID times. Pray for all the sick na d needy people…and extra prayers for our medical professionals working long hard hours to win the battle with COVID-19.

In closing pray for our Catholic Church and our Pries, Sisters, and all our Clergy for their safety and good health.

Merry Christmas and Vivat Jesus!

James McCarville
Grand Knight
KOC 833

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