Chaplain June 2023

Dear Brother Knights,

We follow Jesus because he is the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other way, truth or life. In a world of moral relativism and subjectivism, believing that there is a truth does not change will necessarily bring about division and even conflict.

As Catholics, we don’t look to pick fights with the world around us. We live the truth and present it to the culture in which we live. But we also should not be naïve about the battles that we face today.

Many of you have probably heard about the recent controversy involving the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team. The team had invited an anti-Catholic group called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to be honored at Dodger Stadium. The group mocks the vocation of religious sisters who sacrifice their entire lives to be brides of Christ. This group promotes homosexual actions that are contrary to God’s design for human sexuality. Some of its actions, I wouldn’t even mention in this column.

After some initial backlash, the Dodgers disinvited this group. However, after counter-backlash, the Dodgers re-invited the group to be honored in June. Subsequently, some baseball players have courageously spoken out against this anti-Catholic group, despite facing a barrage of attacks.

I’ve been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember. I have so many memories of playing the game that has become the national pastime. It’s a pure game that is part of our national heritage. Thus, I find it terribly disheartening that it’s being subjugated by an agenda that is not only anti-Christian but has nothing to do with baseball.

Many of you are probably familiar with the great Dodger broadcaster Vin Scully. Scully was not only the voice of the Dodgers but an iconic voice of baseball itself. He was sometimes called the “voice of summer.” Personally, I would rather listen to a game with play-by-play by Vin Scully than watching a game on TV.

Scully passed away last year. He was a devout Catholic and a fellow member of the Knights of Columbus. Scully was honored with a Life Achievement Award at a conference of Catholic writers and editors. He was also intricately connected with the Dodger organization. You have to wonder what his reaction would have been to this and if anything would have changed.

Let us never be deterred in our mission as Catholics regardless of what our current culture advocates and celebrates. Jesus remains the way, the truth, and the life–no matter what is popular and acceptable in the eyes of the world.

Sincerely in Christ,

Father Kipper