Grand Knight September 2023

Brother Knights,

It looks as if we finally have a break from the blistering heat! We are beginning to feel the coolness of fall and football! Another season of Pius football where our council runs the chain gang and down marker for the varsity football games. Brothers Matt Schafer, Ryan Wesolowski, Brad Behne, Brian Callan and myself can be seen on the visitor’s sideline during the Pius home games. We are always looking to get other knights involved so if this is something you might be interested in, please contact one of us.

We have, and continue to do, many great things for our parish and school. We recently donated money for the ASAP program and the St. Teresa’s Conference of St. Vincent DePaul. We hosted a burger/hot dog meal for our school’s Jayhawk Jumpstart, purchased bibles for our 4th grade students, donated money to support the Pink Sister’s 50th anniversary celebration and presented roses to the mothers of babies baptized in our parish. This is just a snapshot of what we do and we do it because we love Christ and our parish.

We have many things yet to do and like I mention in every newsletter, we need YOU! We will be conducting a membership drive this month, and in October we have our Tootsie Roll Sunday to raise funds for persons with developmental disabilities. These are events you can help with after masses with the giving of just a few minutes of your time. Please consider!

Our council meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at our Knight’s of Columbus Hall, 6044 South Street. Stop by for a meeting, a beverage and some pizza once. We would love to have you!

May God continue to bless us all,

Ron Schinkel
Grand Knight