Grand Knight July 2024

Brother Knights,

Right now it’s 95 degrees outside and it feels like the humidity couldn’t get any higher! Summer in Nebraska. I’ll take it. I love having four seasons (at least that is what I tell folks).

It’s been a busy month not just for me but the Knights too. We just finished our second biggest fundraiser of the year. Ron handed the gavel over to me as your new Grand Knight, and my first meeting as your new Grand Knight at last Wednesday’s general meeting. The District Deputy wants us to host an informal social for several Councils later this month too.

Thanks to all who came out and worked the fireworks tent. I believe it was a great success. Lots of customers coming through. The product looked really exciting this year. As you know, Patriot Pete’s sold out to Wild Willy’s Fireworks. Everything went fairly smoothly. They have a very efficient operation. That’s not to say that we didn’t find things to discuss with them for next year. Overall, I think we are happy and they should be extremely happy with our production. We are blessed to have a great location with an awesome “partner” in HyVee. They really like having us out there and its important that we give a good show all around (think pleasantries, clean, no trash blowing around, etc.)

That being said, we really need to get more of you involved in the process. It takes a lot of men to set up, operate, and tear down. We tore it down in three hours with ten guys but if we’d had more the rest of us could have gotten home sooner than 1 am. We also need at least 6 men to operate the tent at any given time. It’s unfortunate but at least one tent somewhere in the city gets hit with crime of some sort every year. The more men we have on hand and being seen the better odds we have of deterring them from picking our tent.

Thank you and may God continue to bless us all.

Matt Schafers
Grand Knight 833