Grand Knight July 2023

Brother Knights,

We have hit the “dog days of summer”! The heat is rising, as is the humidity! The baseball College World Series concluded this past week and what a great series it was! So many traditions at this time of year that bring people together……just like our FIREWORKS stand that is coming up this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! This too brings people together, and for a great cause! If you haven’t already signed up please do so. The weblink is

Bring your kids, your spouse, your mother-in-law, we welcome everyone!

We also have some congratulations to send out this month. Congratulations to our Knight of the Month, Garett Malan! Garett helped with the Corpus Christi Procession and feeding the Totus Tuus attendees! He has really gotten involved in our council happenings and we thank you Garett!

The Knight Family of the Month is Nikki and Josh Shasserre family. Nikki spearheaded the organizing of the Corpus Christi Procession and what a beautiful, successful event for our parish family! Thank you to the Shasserre family for your time and dedication to our parish!

Congratulations also to some new Knights in our parish! Benjamin Andreasen and Ethan Behne recently joined our council! What a blessing it is for Fitzgerald Council 833 to have these young men join our council. We pray that you two men thrive in the Charity, Unity and Fraternity that the Knights offer.

The alter servers outing will be on July 29th. Look for more information to come. The servers will have a pizza dinner and then attend the Saltdogs baseball game! This is a fun event that we like to do to show our appreciation for the service and dedication our alter servers do for the masses.

As always, we have our meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Knight’s Hall. Please come and see what we do and why we do it. Many Knights that aren’t active in our council would probably want to get more involved if they knew everything we do for our school, church and parish family.

If you ever have questions, comments, or suggestions I can be reached via email at

Thank you and may God continue to bless all of us,
Ron Schinkel
Grand Knight
Council 833