Chaplin November 2022

Dear Brother Knights,  
In this month of November we recall those who have gone before us.  And we recall those who share in the resurrection of Jesus.  On November 2, on All Soul’s day, we prayed for those who will see the heavenly Father, but whose souls need purification.  They are assisted by our prayers. On November 1, we celebrate the Solemnity of All the Saints—all those in heaven right now who have fought the good fight here on earth.    
One of the most beautiful things for us to recall during this blessed time is that we remain connected to those who died in the grace of God. At any moment we can pray to the saints in heaven, and ask for their intercession, just like we might ask a fellow parishioner to pray for us.  As St. Therese of Lisieux said that she “wants to spend her heaven doing good on earth.”   
Those in heaven are cleansed of all selfishness and so all the saints spend their heaven doing good. We can assist souls who have left this earth, but need to be purified of their sins.  We can do this through our prayers and offerings.      
In short, we recall during this month the entire communion of saints:  the saints in heaven, the souls in purgatory, and all of us on earth fighting the good fight against sin. Let us remember how deeply connected that we are with one another.  May God bless all of you and your families.   

Father Nicholas Kipper
St. Teresa Parish