Grand Knight August 2024

Brother Knights,

By the time you read this, the new school year will be underway already.  Where does the time go?  We pulled off an amazing Jayhawk Jumpstart this year!  We fed 500 hungry kids and parents.  All we had left over was a few hot dogs.  This is a time for fun and being social.  This is becoming a fantastic tradition and is a great way to showcase the Knights of Columbus to not just parents that haven’t heard of us or know what we do but to the youngsters too.  

The more they see the Knights out and about, the more the boys will know us when that time comes for them to be asked, “Would you like to be a Knight?”.  I fondly remember all the Knight functions that our father dragged us to.  We might not have understood the Knight function but we certainly associated being at the hall with fun times running around all the ground out there.  Soon old man winter will be calling and it will be time for Coats for Kids.  This is time for giving back.  Being a Knight is fun and rewarding with time for social aspects, time to give back in charity, time to serve others, and time to serve God.
As I looked around at the gentleman helping cook, serve, set up and clean up afterwards, they were mostly our senior Knights.  Please consider getting more involved.  Perhaps a little bit at a time.  Help out at the Jumpstart for 30 minutes.  Shovel one walk in the winter for a shut in.  Take a shift at a single fish fry.  Come to the fireworks stand for a time.  All of these activities are important aspects of what it means to be a Knight either directly or indirectly.
See you all at the next meeting!

Matt Schafers
Grand Knight 833