Dear Brother Knights,
Across the world, catechumens and candidates are taking instructions in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). At St. Teresa, we have several men and women taking instructions in the faith. These men and women are inquiring about being baptized and entering into full communion with the Catholic Church.
We should be intentional in praying for those in OCIA. It’s a grace from God that they are attending. OCIA is also a reminder of our need for continued study of the faith with the purpose of knowing Jesus better, so that we may be with him for all eternity.
How blessed we are to know and believe in God’s story of salvation. The ancient Israelites were given a portion of the fullness that God has revealed to us. We receive it in its entirety. When we look at the story told in Sacred Scripture, we get to see the whole plan of God worked out.
Let’s remember to pray for those who are in OCIA during these final months leading to the Easter Vigil. And may their study of the faith remind us of our need to do the same.
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Kipper